Project Case Study



Whilst working at Platform Group I built a 3D CMS which enabled users to create stories and scenes within a 3D environment. This became essential to the work that we were doing for multiple clients.

I built this using Three.js and Vue. This was a great project to work on.


The 3DCMS had to accurately demonstrate what the frontend was doing.

There were a number of complex requirements for the CMS:

  • Create scene
  • Edit scene
  • Add lights
  • Add 3D Objects -GLTF, OBJ
  • Add camera
  • Add animations
  • Scale objects
  • Rotate objects
  • Transform objects
  • play stories

I then had to enable users to create 'stories', a story was a list of different animations that you could see on the frontend.

Animations included:

  • Move an object from one x, y, z to another
  • Move camera from one x, y, z to another
  • Pause timeline
  • Play timeline
  • Hide and show objects on the timeline

This was quite a complex piece of work because it had so many different aspects to it.

The frontend was also built using Vue and Three.js. That was another great project to work on.


Platform Group


Lead Developer


3 months ago

I think one of the big challenges is actually cultivating beginners’ minds and making sure you’re still open to the world and continue to see new things. You can actually get jaded. You can stop seeing things that are new. You can start fearing failure. Those are the things an entrepreneur needs—an open mind and the ability to see the world with new eyes.

— Caterina Fake